Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tea Parties and Political Uprising?

Time Magazine

I know, it sounds ridiculous, especially if you have no idea what it is. The Tea Party, in essence, is a conservative movement that was brought about by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the recent health care reform bills. You may remember the Boston Tea Party from your high school history classes. No? Well, in 1773 American colonist protested a British import tax on tea by destroying crates of tea with the slogan "No Taxation Without Representation". Today's Tea Party members might not be as violent but they are still extreme, they, of course, resent raising taxes, believe in balancing the federal budget, and reject national environmental policies.

On Tuesday, September 14, 2010, Tea Party member Christine O'Donnell won over Mike Castle in Delaware's Republican Senate primary. This means if she wins the Senate seat Delaware will be sending the Tea Party poster child to Capitol Hill. Frightening. Delaware is only one of seven states that have claimed victories in these primaries, Nevada, Colorado, and Alaska are just a few. It's not just the Senate the Party has eyes on, they plan on having a member in the 2012 presidential race. Can the Tea Party rebellion prevail? With spotlight mongers like Sarah Palin in the bag no question they will stay in the media but it remains to be seen if their political agenda can withstand national criticism. With talks about eliminating the department of Education it seems a little far fetched to think they'll get farther than the Senate primaries.